(Photo by: Brian Freeman)
Author Bio:
Sarah Jakes Roberts is a businesswoman, bestselling author, and media personality who expertly balances career, ministry, and family. She has been the driving force behind grassroots marketing for films, publications, and community programs that inspire and uplift people of all ages and backgrounds. Sarah is the daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes and Mrs. Serita Jakes and pastors a dynamic community of artists and professionals in Hollywood alongside her husband, Touré Roberts. Together they have six beautiful children and reside in Los Angeles.
1. Your new sensational book, “Woman Evolve,” tells life lessons and insight on the Story of Eve. Much like women today, Eve is misconstrued; what sparked the idea for you to explain her story in this new light and what do you hope readers get from this book?
Political, cultural, religious, and professional limitations have been placed on women as a result of the moment in the garden when Eve eats from forbidden fruit. Every woman has been penalized for Eve’s indiscretion, yet that’s not where Eve’s story ends.
I studied and discovered redemption and restoration in the aftermath of what looked like destruction. I knew that if I studied her life I could rescue any woman whose ever known better, but didn’t do better. I hope every woman comes to understand that there is life after forbidden fruit.
2. Seeing that Eve is often vilified, what had to evolve in you personally to tell her story with redeemable qualities?
I had to choose empathy over judgment when handling Eve’s story. This is something we’ll all have to do when taking in the story of the people we do life with.
3. Moreover, what did you learn about yourself while writing this book?
I learned that I am able to simplify the complex and challenge others to grow from a place of love.
4. How does your writing process change for writing books vs. how you go about writing sermons?
With a sermon I need to be concise, but with writing I can elaborate each point to its fullest extent.
5. For your male readers/followers based on what you discuss in this book, how can they be better change-agents for giving the women in their lives space to evolve?
I believe that men can serve women on their journey by understanding that a woman’s growth does not equate to a man’s diminishment. We need men and women to live at their fullest potential.
6. A lot of readers say your books have made them “cry, smile, ponder, process and evolve,” while writing this book did you go through similar stages?
Yes, all of these things!!!! I had to live this book before writing it.
7. Knowing that you host your own Woman Evolve Book Club, what has been the best book you have read so far this year?
Brené Brown – The Call to Courage.
8. What’s the best advice you have for getting over writer’s block?
Don’t write what people will read. Write what’s in your head. As writers we often want to write the polished work at the same time we do the work. What’s most important is to empty out your mind.
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