Read More x Lulu Self-Publishing

Self-Publish Your Book Today!

Read More x Lulu

Self-published books now account for 30% to 40% of all ebook sales. Ebooks themselves make up close to 40% of all books sold, and in 2019 they are set to outsell print books in the US!

Historically, if you wanted to know how to publish a book, you needed an agent to get a traditional publisher to look at your manuscript. Some publishing houses wouldn’t even read a manuscript if it wasn’t submitted from a literary agent…

But times have changed and this all bodes well for self-publishing authors, for whom ebooks are the preferred format. They will continue to see a healthy growth in sales as more and more people adopt e-reading. Self-publishers are also benefiting as customers switch over from traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores to online ones like Amazon, which puts self-publishers on a level footing with traditional publishers.

If you have ever thought about publishing a book or want to get started on your own, you’re in luck because Read More has partnered with to help you take that final step towards publishing!

Since introducing self-publishing in 2002, has empowered creators in more than 225 countries to produce nearly two million publications!

Utilizing this online store, you can get discounts and exclusive deals on your next publication!

If you are ready to get started today, use this code when checking out to get 15% off of your next Lulu order: